Albert Einstein once said 'The hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax. At Sethuraman Prabu & Associates we uncomplicate the hardness of Income tax. The government of India imposes an income tax on taxable income of all persons including individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), companies, firms, association of persons, body of individuals, local authority and any other artificial judicial person. Indian taxation environment is ever - changing, which can be challenging for any business. Our Main focus is to identify opportunities for our clients that can help them to manage their affairs in the most tax efficient manner. Our team of tax consultants and financial advisors also allows us to offer Income tax consultancy services that are aimed at offering business solutions to Manufacturers, Traders, Dealers as well as Service providers of industry.
Our Services in Income tax Include:
Filing of Tax returns
Tax planning
Review and assistance in Advance tax computation
Tax Audit as per the provisions of the Indian Income tax Laws
Permanent Account Number (PAN) and TAN number
Rectification & revision of income tax orders.
Representation before Tax Authority for tax assessments, refunds or other matters
Quarterly return for TDS/TCS in electronic form
TDS/ TCS Certificate
Registration of trust for charitable purposes
Seeking and Obtaining Advance Ruling
Specific advice on taxation
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
Other Compliance as per Income Tax Act.
Compilation of Various details for Tax Assessment purposes such as Scrutiny
Transfer pricing